Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Great Day!!

Wow! Today was an all around amazing day! It all started at about 7:55 am. I went online to check my ACT scores, and to see if they were posted. Oh boy, were they posted! I GOT A 29!!!! ON THE FIRST TRY!!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!? I AM SO HAPPY YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!! I JUST GOT MYSELF INTO COLLEGE!!!

And my day just got better from there! I got to third hour and gave my persuasive speech on traditional books vs. e-books. It went well! I'm glad I got it over with! I think persuaded some people to read books in print format!

IT GETS BETTER!!! We performed our play today for grades 3-12. I thought I did AMAZE-BALLS!! I was so proud! We did have some cue trouble, ok a lot of cue trouble, and we skipped one part, but overall, it went well! I hope we do really well tomorrow at regionals! I hope I get a superior acting award, or at least an honorable mention.

Between, ACTs, speech, and the play, IT WAS AN AWESOME DAY!!

To all the theater people, including to myself,
break a leg!

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